About Me
- Name: photowannabe
- Location: Midwest, United States
Back in school for nursing. It is a challenge, but fun to be in that environment again. Always trying to find my place and figure out what my dreams are.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
New updates, a little landscaping

I always forget to take a true before picture, but
this is before we put in all the flowers. Notice the
new bench on the left.

I will take a picture as the flowers really start to bloom,
we put in lots of marigolds and some snap dragons.
A new little shrub and 4 little balls of Sypress around the shrub.
That was really fun and now I appreciate it so much more.
Now, just to get rid of all of the dandilions in our yard!!

This was last Thursday after her Kind. Graduation.
They still had school this week, although she missed
Tues due to a stomach flu. Jackson is suffering as I write.
Tomorrow is the last day of school, a trip to the local skating
place. I am going with all of the children. The K-4th grades go.
Hopefully Jackson will be feeling better, he should be, seeing as this
seems to be a fast bug!!

Nana a Grandpa were here on Sunday and Monday, and hopefully escaped
the sick. We had a grogeous night on Sunday night walking around
the river. The weather was beautiful and so were the surroundings.
A very good day to be alive, at least that was how it made me feel!!
Thursday, May 08, 2008
More updates!!!
Last night we were invited to a Mother-Daughter dinner with my grandma at her church.
It was so nicely done and we were very spoiled with food and just a fun night. My grandpa
even sang, with many of the other men that had served us our meals. A very enjoyable night!
Just three goofy little children playing in the tub one night!
Oh, did I tell you that we have a movie star in our family, her name is SAvannah!!
At least she kind of looks like one in these glasses!
Just another one of our goofy fashion girl!
It is a little scary how she has the pose down just right!
It is a little scary how she has the pose down just right
Updates on our Life!
and really enjoyed being on stage! WAIT, are you talking about shy little Savannah,
yes, that is the one!
go out and listen to a band and have fun!!
Wow, those nights are way to few and far between!
This was before we went to breakfast one day!