
Location: Midwest, United States

Back in school for nursing. It is a challenge, but fun to be in that environment again. Always trying to find my place and figure out what my dreams are.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

My little bright eyed girl. This was the first day that she actually enjoyed the snow AND walked in it. I think she was having fun. Posted by Picasa

Where is the snowman?

Savannah was working on this ball for about 10 minutes and the size didn't change at all. Poor girl really wanted to build a snowman. I guess we will have to wait for a warmer day. Posted by Picasa

My little nephew is almost one. I can't believe how fast the time has flown. I just thoroughly enjoy spending time with him. I think he is starting to look a little like Jonathan. Posted by Picasa

My little Princesses

Livi and Savannah were having a fun time one day just dressing up! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 07, 2007

My little dancer!

Livi will just dance around the house constantly. She just feels the beat and moves! Posted by Picasa

Savannah's fast friend

This little girl just absolutely loves Lilly! She fell asleep on the couch with her during the day on Thursday. Lilly laid there the whole time. Posted by Picasa

Is there a future?

This little girl was so funny when we went to the Children's museum in Milw. They have all of these centers where they can pretend all of these cool professions and Savannah really enjoyed doing the news! All of a sudden she had a lot to say! Very cute! Will she take after her dad? Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Here is my good lookin' boy, just seems to be getting older by the minute! Posted by Picasa

Here are all of the girls! Posted by Picasa

This was our attempt at a Fischer family picture, except that after everyone had run off, we realized that Savannah was in the office, upset because she didn't want to go home! We then had to gather all the kids up again and include her. That was quite a production. 10 kids and 8 adults. I was the camera person and the one with Savannah I ended up taking with my 35 mm, so I haven't gotten them developed yet! Posted by Picasa

This was on Christmas Day at mom and dad's. Posted by Picasa