
Location: Midwest, United States

Back in school for nursing. It is a challenge, but fun to be in that environment again. Always trying to find my place and figure out what my dreams are.

Friday, October 27, 2006

At Barnes and Noble storytime the other day. Posted by Picasa

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Sunday, October 08, 2006

All I want for christmas are my two front teeth

Just tonight, Jackson pulled his 2nd top tooth out. He is now top toothless. I will have to ask him to say that tomorrow morning. Posted by Picasa

Apple Picking

A fun time with Nana and Grandpa in the apple orchard this weekend. This was great place about 20 minutes from LaCrosse in this beautiful valley. The weather was just perfect and the apples were too. We really had a great time! Posted by Picasa

He was trying to hide, but I found him. Posted by Picasa

Do you see that beautiful red one? That was the one they were all going for! Posted by Picasa

Picking delicious apples. Posted by Picasa

She finally warmed up to being in the hay pile. She was quite unsure as first! Posted by Picasa

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Thursday, October 05, 2006


Sometimes these girls are so silly, last night they sat in SAvannah's bed and read book after book together. It was really sweet. Savannah read some of the books to her sister otherwise they looked at all of the pictures. IT was such a nice sight to see. They wanted to both sleep in Savannah's bed together, so we tried it, but Livi kept running out into the living room, so that didn't last very long. I suppose that one of these days she will have to move to a bed, but I am not in a hurry, especially since potty training isn't happening yet! Posted by Picasa

THis was everyone yelling cheese. Right after this picture, Amani started to cry. I think he was scared of all of the noise. Posted by Picasa

The kids really enjoyed their visit from their "great" Antie Lolo. We all had a very nice weekend last weekend at my parent's with all of the family. It was really quite relaxing. Posted by Picasa