About Me
- Name: photowannabe
- Location: Midwest, United States
Back in school for nursing. It is a challenge, but fun to be in that environment again. Always trying to find my place and figure out what my dreams are.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Our week so far
Well, things have been going well here. Busy, as is everyone else. We had a very nice weekend in Door county last weekend. We really got lucky with the weather. It rained on Friday on our way there and cooled off quite a bit. Jonathan and Aleisha were going to camp, but because of the rain and cold they decided against it with the little guy. We all stayed in the condo which worked out just fine. The kids loved swimming in the indoor pool and we biked a little and just enjoyed our time there. As we drove to the tip on Sun, we noticed the leaves really starting to change. It didn't rain the rest of the time. The guys all went golfing on Sat morning and the 3 girls went horseback riding and wine tasting. This has been a very nice annual trip. It was our 3rd year. Hard to believe.
School is getting busy, but it is fun being in that environment again for me. John has been busy with some extra work and the kids are just managing. No potty yet for Livi, no interest shown yet. Jackson had Pioneers this week and the fundraising begins. Selling magazine subscriptions for school, and Kringles and pizzas for Pioneers, let us know if you are interested. The Kringles really look good. Well, I had better study a little while Livi is napping. We are having Papa Murphy's tonight so I don't have to think about it. John is golfing for his annual golf outing today. He lucked out with the weather. Hope all is well with everyone else who checks this. Let me know how things are going for everyone! Hint hint!)
School is getting busy, but it is fun being in that environment again for me. John has been busy with some extra work and the kids are just managing. No potty yet for Livi, no interest shown yet. Jackson had Pioneers this week and the fundraising begins. Selling magazine subscriptions for school, and Kringles and pizzas for Pioneers, let us know if you are interested. The Kringles really look good. Well, I had better study a little while Livi is napping. We are having Papa Murphy's tonight so I don't have to think about it. John is golfing for his annual golf outing today. He lucked out with the weather. Hope all is well with everyone else who checks this. Let me know how things are going for everyone! Hint hint!)
Thursday, September 07, 2006
My first day of school

No this was not taken on my first day, but I just thought I would let you all know that I had a great first day too. I started on tues and we started with disecting a rat. So that was a lot of fun. The prof will be relaxed and interesting and my class is small so that is good too. It looks like many seasoned people and not just out of high school, so that made me feel better. I walked to and from and enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until one in the morning reading my books! I thought, well, I am quite awake, I better take advantage of the quiet in my house. Off to class again tonight. Hope all is well with everyone else!

Savannah's First Day

Livi was not very happy when we left her sister and she couldn't stay to play with all of the toys. She cried just about the whole way home and remained a little sad for a while. I guess she is going to miss her sister. Today was much better. We just didn't even go into the classroom. I think that is how it is going to have to be.