About Me
- Name: photowannabe
- Location: Midwest, United States
Back in school for nursing. It is a challenge, but fun to be in that environment again. Always trying to find my place and figure out what my dreams are.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Ears Pierced

Yep, she did it. I didn't think that she would follow through, but she wanted it bad enough. Aunt Aleisha gave her real earring for her birthday, so that got her wanting it. She was very brave. They did both at the same time, so that was good, otherwise I think she would have only had one done. She didn't even cry, but she said that they hurt a lot. She has been pretty cute about it.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

We had a very nice day on Tues with family that came to help celebrate some birthdays. We had some good food and lots of fun. Danny, Emily and Bella came to play and the kids always enjoy getting together. They were busy swimming and playing dress up and wearing make-up, we played Bingo and jumped on grandma's trampoline. It was a busy, but very fun day.

Monday, August 21, 2006
Brewer's Win

Thanks to John's work, we were able to enjoy a game from some box seats. They concidered this their work picnic and they had some extra tickets, so we invited Jonathan, Aleisha and Amani to join us. There was free food and drink and a great place for the kids to be. They had one really good inning where they scored 4 runs, I think. WE left at the bottom of the 7th. Kids were starting to get antsy and tired. It worked out so nicely!

Mommy and Livi Day

John had taken the other two to work with him on Sat so he could do some personal stuff, so it was just the two of us. What a nice day we had. We started with a little walk (Livi just wanted to go to the park, but I wanted to get a little walk in first) After that we headed to Starbucks and sat for a little while then to Target. I really enjoyed it, I think she did too. We will definitely have more of that this year. Four mornings a week.