About Me
- Name: photowannabe
- Location: Midwest, United States
Back in school for nursing. It is a challenge, but fun to be in that environment again. Always trying to find my place and figure out what my dreams are.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Well, just an update of our lives here in Waukesha. Jackson had a beautiful Christmas program yesturday. If that didn't get people in the Christmas Spirit, I am not sure what would. They had some really great soloists and just pretty songs. I have still been under the weather. Just a horrible lingering cough and just not feeling right. I am taking Jackson to the doctor today for his finger. It was swollen and yucky by his nail last week, I am sure that I should have taken him in last week. Well the swelling has gone down, he is now losing his finger nail and it doen't look very pretty. Off to the doctor we go. Olivia had the stomach flu last week Tues, then threw up again yesturday morning. Now the kids are all coughing and sniffling. I guess it is just going to be that kind of holiday season. That is why I needed to see his program yesturday!!! I am feeling quite behind on everything right now. Cards will not go out until after Christmas. I am just not that organized this year. Well I should start getting the girls ready to pick up Jackson. Hope everyone else is healthy and happy. We just all have to remember the real reason of the season, then the stress goes away (for a minute).
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Santa in Montello

We went to see Santa, we did this two years ago, I think! My grandpa came too. They have hot chocolate and cookies and the kids each get a stuffed animal and a treat bag. The kids enjoyed it, except Savannah was quite shy. She just doesn't get into this kind of stuff. That is why she is kind of serious in the pic. Sorry about the blurr, my camera was not cooperating with the lighting.

Our Tree

We finally got it up on Sunday after I got home from work. We are all very happy with it. Olivia is very intrigued, every once and a while she will bring me an ornament and say, "chrimas", then we will walk over to the tree and she will tell me where it goes. It feels good to have that up, now to work on the rest!

Sunday, December 11, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Tues. Dec. 6th
Nothing much to report. I have been under the weather since last Friday, feeling pretty miserable. My chest, my throat, coughing, aching, just about everything. Went to the doctor yesturday morning and he didn't think that it was pneumonia. I already called in for tonight. I am sure that working a night would not be a good idea. I am also scheduled for Thursday night, so we will see how that goes. John came home early yesturday and I spent most of the day and night in bed. I can't remember the last time I did that. It has been a whirlwind of a couple of weeks and I guess it just caught up to me. I am anxious to finish my walls, my cards and all the Christmas decorating. We don't even have our tree up or anything. The kids are starting to bug me about it. I guess that is enough of my complaining. If anything, this has gotten me to just rest. SAvannah has a nagging cough, but she says that it doesn't hurt or anything. Let's pray that just goes away too. HOpe everyone else is well and getting through this busy time of year.
Tues. Dec. 6th
Nothing much to report. I have been under the weather since last Friday, feeling pretty miserable. My chest, my throat, coughing, aching, just about everything. Went to the doctor yesturday morning and he didn't think that it was pneumonia. I already called in for tonight. I am sure that working a night would not be a good idea. I am also scheduled for Thursday night, so we will see how that goes. John came home early yesturday and I spent most of the day and night in bed. I can't remember the last time I did that. It has been a whirlwind of a couple of weeks and I guess it just caught up to me. I am anxious to finish my walls, my cards and all the Christmas decorating. We don't even have our tree up or anything. The kids are starting to bug me about it. I guess that is enough of my complaining. If anything, this has gotten me to just rest. SAvannah has a nagging cough, but she says that it doesn't hurt or anything. Let's pray that just goes away too. HOpe everyone else is well and getting through this busy time of year.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Dec 1st! Just another day!
It has been an interesting day so far. I got home from work late because we were busy at work and the weather (snow). AT 820, I walk in the door to a hyper Jackson, crabby Savannah, and because of the hyper Jackson, a Screaming Olivia. We had 10 minutes to finish getting ready. Luckily John had the two dressed that needed to be dressed. SAvannah has pictures today at school, so I picked out her dress last night. She really only wears dresses to school (her choice) We had issues about the hair. Didn't want it brushed, didn't want to go to school and doesn't like pictures. (I guess I have taken too many!) She really has a hard time getting excited for school. She is such a homebody. We got to school, then she was upset that I didn't do her hair, I was prepared, I brought a brush and hair things. Two ponies she got. I wasn't going to argue. In the meantime, I handed Olivia off to my friend so I could help SAvannah, well, Olivia decided to scream the whole time! Luckily school had not quite started yet, I am sure that everyone could've heard her. I am really not liking the fact that she has discovered her SCREAM!! And it is a girl scream!
Now that that part of the morning is over, the rest should be much better. Savannah is going to my friend's for the afternoon and Olivia should take a nap. I can get my nap in then. Then I will be off to pick up Savannah at Annetta's, and Jackson at school. I really should get some groceries sometime soon, too. I still haven't unpacked two suitcases from last weekend. Haven't had a ton of time.. I could be doing it now, but that doesn't sound like fun. I need a little fun time.
I better go, Dora is almost over, I hope Olivia is almost ready for a nap!
Now that that part of the morning is over, the rest should be much better. Savannah is going to my friend's for the afternoon and Olivia should take a nap. I can get my nap in then. Then I will be off to pick up Savannah at Annetta's, and Jackson at school. I really should get some groceries sometime soon, too. I still haven't unpacked two suitcases from last weekend. Haven't had a ton of time.. I could be doing it now, but that doesn't sound like fun. I need a little fun time.
I better go, Dora is almost over, I hope Olivia is almost ready for a nap!