Here is my bruiser! He was jumping on the couch and fell off and hit the coffee table downstairs. There were tears and blood and once I saw his lip, I knew that we would be going to the ER. Luckily it wasn't so bad that we could wait for John to get home. It happened at 540pm Monday night. John got home after 615. I didn't want to take the girls with me to the ER. Plus John had to be at church to help out with the tech stuff, so he took the girls with him, and Jackson and I headed to the hospital. Jackson was very brave, he only really cried while they gave him the "bee sting". Once I said "shot" his eyes got really big and said, "I don't really need a shot" He got two sutures on the inside and 5 on the outside. As she was stiching he felt one of the last ones, but opted to not get any more numbing stuff. "NO MORE BEE STING!" he said as he shook his head. He toughed out the stitch. What a trooper. One of his upper teeth might get discolored too because I think he jammed it a little. WE won't know for 10-14 days. Stiches come out on Friday. The topper was that I had to work at 11pm last night as well, so much for relaxing before I went to work. Got home about 845pm. AT least it wasn't a 4 hour wait in the ER. That was enough excitement for me for a while. I don't know why our kids are prone to mouth injuries. Savannah had her stitches about 1 1/2 years ago. He isn't complaining about it very much and is back to himself and he had something to show all the kids at school. His lip is still quite puffy. The tough part is keeping it clean, being right by the mouth. FUN, FUN, FUN!